Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Stop Diarrhea Naturally

There are a couple of simple natural cures for diarrhea.

1. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of carob powder in water and drink.

2. Just mix 1/2 tsp of cumen with 1/2 tsp of ginger powders in warm water and add a few cap fulls of lemon juice.  Then drink.

And that's it!  Simple enough, right? 


Now on the other hand if your diarrhea is caused by a bacterial infection of some sort, then it may not be quite that simple.  In that case you would instead start taking colloidal silver or even better yet, colloidal copper if you have this available or have the ability to make such a solution.  I would just recommend the silver for most as it is simpler and you don't have to worry about limiting the amount you ingest so closely.  Naturally iodine solutions work wonders for such conditions as well.  Extra virgin coconut oil is always a good alternative if the silver or iodine appear to not be doing their job, as this means that there may be yet another condition causing your illness, such as lack of beneficial bacteria or other friendly microbes within the body.  The coconut oil will help with this immensely. 

Naturally one could also recommend drinking RAW milk from a local farmer after you have paid for and signed for the appropriate cow share program.  But all too often it is difficult to find such in your immediate area and with the prices for shipping increasing massively, it is not always a good idea to recommend ordering raw milk by mail.  All the same, if you can make it happen, then make it happen.  The natural probiotics and other health benefits of raw milk cannot be stressed enough!

A Powerful Cure for Burns

Yes, egg whites DO WORK!
There are MANY differing and conflicting bits of advice for curing burns. We even have snopes.com and many others claiming the egg whites cure to be an "urban legend" or "myth" while then referencing old time doctors who did in fact recommend such. And while it is true that this is NOT the best method, the fast and simple methods are normally those which actually save our bodies and prevent further damage, while more specialized materials are used later on.

First we'll start with what I regard as the simplest remedy and what has ALWAYS been used on burns since the old days:


Pure Aloe Very Gel

This was always an old home remedy and an aloe plant was found in most busy kitchens as a means by which to take care of burns immediately by breaking a stalk and applying some of the gel immediately upon being burned to prevent blistering.

Here are the facts about burns:

1. Do NOT cool a burn too quickly, this will CAUSE blistering! And everyone should know that one of the primary aspects of treating burns are to keep the flesh intact, meaning to prevent blistering and the coming apart of the skin, as in blistering.

2. And agent MUST be applied to the skin or flesh immediately that will coat it, soothe it, keep it hydrated and protect it overall.

3. You can then immediately cool the area with ice or something cool to cold but ONLY THROUGH A LAYER such as a towel. You must NOT place direct cold, particularly freeing cold such as ice against a burn. It will cause more harm than good in the long run.

4. From there you apply materials that will heal the skin and whatever else is effected until it is fully healed.

So then what materials are good for burns?

Aloe Vera Gel (but only 100% pure, most products on the market have additives or have only a small percentage of aloe vera, so read the bottle and be certain it is just pure aloe vera gel, or the additives will only harm your skin)
100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel

Linseed Oil or similar thick and protective oils (Castor Oil will due quite nicely as well for this - and yes, egg whites CAN indeed be used, just as sodium bicarbonate and flour can be used as well, however you want to mix these substances and use them in a fluid like mixture together until you can get to the better materials, real oils, silver solutions, aloe, etc)

Colloidal Silver (This is VERY important. If you have ever studied the material used in burn wards, there is only ONE substance on Earth that will truly allow a deep or nasty burn to heal, and that is SILVER! So naturally, applying this to the skin will do on a smaller scale what it does on a larger scale for severe burns, it will kill all bacteria that prevent healing and restore the skin tissue itself allowing the body to heal as it is meant to)


NOW, to make a really amazing and powerful burn remedy, you mix the aloe vera gel with a thick oil such as linseed or castor oil and naturally mix in the truly most powerful ingredient of all, colloidal silver as well. Once you have a mixture like this, there are few burns that you will not be able to cure. In fact, even severe and deep burns can be cured and fully healed in this manner. Just do your best to avoid blistering (meaning the drying out and/or sudden cooling of the burn) and scarring should either not occur or be quite minimal.

For myself when I get burns, I immediately take a spray bottle that I have filled with colloidal silver at all times and spray just a bit onto the burn area and gently let my hand glide over the fluid there to distribute it into the burn. I will also take an iodine solution I have on hand at all times and spray this over as well and distribute it in the same manner. I then immediately apply my burn relief mixture that I have prepared and have ready in a pump bottle (and if it is low or out I would simply rub pure aloe or oil [linseed or castor], whichever came first). From there things are taken care of. I just continue to apply the burn relief mixture as my skin dries out or absorbs it until it will no longer absorb it. If there is a lot of pain still, that implies heat. So then I will lay a damp towel over the area and apply a ziploc bag with ice over the area to cool the burn slowly but indirectly THROUGH THE TOWEL (never against the skin). Keep applying burn relief material (or simply spraying silver and/or iodine solution onto the skin and applying oil) until things are taken care of.

Colloidal Silver The Cure for Every Illness


Learn to make this and heal yourself.  Then heal the rest of the world.  Put this stuff (in small amounts) into water dishes of pets even and bird baths, things of that nature.  Let's start PHYSICALLY changing the world one bit at a time.  And this "bit" is a giant leap, so get going on this one now!

You just take a small amount, such as a diluted tsp once per day for a few days, then take it once a week.  Or depending on personal choice you can continue taking it daily or add a drop of the solution you make into coffee or tea, things of that nature.  So get an eyedropper as well.  You can add it to baths, bird-baths, facial rinses, cleaning solutions, bottled water, etc.


Here is what it is all about. Though I prefer the battery coupling method found in the video instead of the leads in this pic...

Here is a step by step video on how to make your own colloidal silver solutions that will destroy all disease:

It also directly attacks and kills non-beneficial bacteria and viruses. And it will rebuild tissue as well. It is also the only substance that will heal burns other than egg whites, which is also very important.

If you are not into making it yourself, you can always find a nice and effective solution made for you here: http://amzn.to/1oPMbQL